Liz Carrighan

Liz Carrighan

Education and Experience: Liz started her career as a physiotherapist before progressing into managerial roles in the NHS. She then moved into pharmaceuticals working in Sales, Marketing and Human Resources. She took a year out to complete an MBA at Henley Management College before embarking on a career in consulting with HayGroup. She was a consultant with HayGroup for 7 years and then their HR Director for 3 years. As a consultant she helped to set up the Executive Coaching Practice and in her role as HR Director she was responsible for providing leadership in the implementation of best HR practices within the company. She set up her own consulting practice 15 years ago specialising in executive coaching and leadership assessment and development.

Professional Skills and expertise: Liz is an accredited coach with both the EMCC and ICF and is also an accredited team coach through the ICF. She has an MA in Coaching and Mentoring from Oxford Brookes University. She is an accredited mediator and NLP master practitioner and trainer. She is a BPS verified assessor and registered to use a wide variety of psychometric instruments including MBTI, Wave, Talent Q, NEO, FIRO-B and Hogan Development. She is a skilled facilitator and presenter.

International Experience: Liz has experience working with clients in the United Kingdom, Europe, APAC, South Africa, the United States and Canada.

Indicative Clients: Since running her own consultancy clients have included ITV, Volvo, UBS, Aviva, Dairy Crest, The British Council, Great Western Railways, Great Rail Journeys, Cargill, several NHS Trusts, IMI and The Institute of Education. Many projects have been a mixture of leadership assessment followed by development programmes and coaching. She has been involved in the design as well as delivery of these programmes.

Coaching Style and Approach: Liz is a pragmatic coach who has a supportive and challenging style. She encourages her clients to challenge their limiting beliefs and push their boundaries resulting in them having more open and receptive mindsets. She has coached at all levels from first line supervisors to CEOs. She works with a range of psychometrics and models to help increase clients’ self-awareness and understanding of the impact they may have. She helps leaders to manage themselves and others through change and times of uncertainty as well as supporting ‘high potentials’ to maximise their performance and long-term success. She focuses on building the confidence and resilience of her clients in a sustainable way.
